Wednesday, November 2, 2011

welcome back izzan izzatie !

hey heyyy !
oke,it has been a few months aku tak update blog aku ni.
so,lain kali JANGAN VIEW BLOG AKU taw.
wat malu je kan ? haha
oke for the time being,aku ade byk cerita nak kongsi tapi kali ni aku tak cerita ape2 sebab AKU MALAS.
yee,aku memang pemalas,tu sebab blog aku nihh da lama bersawang.
and tonight i feel like missing my students very much.
they will keep on calling and texting me everyday.
and i cant wait to see them again.
cuti semester tiggal lagi 2 minggu dan i cant wait to see my friends,i miss them every second.
oke,esok aku janji,i'll update my blog.c ya !


Unknown said...

fuuhhhhh~ brhabuk2 blog dia ni.. huhu

izzatie anuar said...

uit senyap lahhh ! hakhak